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Biometry of visceral dynamics and new osteopathy standards


Authors: Georges Finet and Christian Williame

Publication date : 03/09/1999

Publisher : Roger Jollois

Number of pages : 205

Publisher’s preview

Osteopathy is without a doubt one of the most effective forms of care, as proven in numerous reports and, more importantly, by the ever-increasing interest of patients.

However it still has its critics.

Thus, it is accused of failing to irrefutably establish the validity of several of its postulates. Its claims on the phenomenon of repetitive movement of the intra-abdominal organs is one of its most important.

Biometry of visceral dynamics fills this gap by presenting the results of objective research conducted over a period of five years.

At the end of their research, the authors first and foremost provide concrete statistical evidence of their discoveries, which in many ways confirm the clinical teachings of osteopathy masters.

To help the reader benefit from their experience, in the second part of the book the authors present practical applications based on their discoveries.

With rich and abundant iconography, written in plain language, and organized with a simple and easy-to-access approach, this work is a must for anyone who wants to understand osteopathy and its visceral applications within a global framework, and in particular for those practitioners looking to progress in the practice of an evolving method.

Proving a level of gravity that we would like to see more often in those who are quick to deny the value of a method acclaimed by a growing number of patients, this book by MM Finet and Williame will greatly enrich those looking to delve into the spirit and practice of its teachings.

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